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. 2016 Jun 22;17:294. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1415-0

Table 1.

Summary of study characteristics

Author Year Intervention Study Length Study Design Focus Country Sample Size Setting Disease Type Medical or non medical intervention Target Population
Aylward GP, Hatcher RP, Stripp B, Gustafson NF and Leavitt LA (1985) [22] 1985 Dexamethasone administration Repeated visits RCT individual Retention USA 645 Health setting - university centres Prevention of respiratory distress syndrome Medical Babies - surviving infants
Baker CN, Arnold DH and Meagher S (2011) [23] 2011 Parenting intervention 8 weeks RCT cluster Recruitment USA 106 Community - childcare centres Parent training for preventing conduct problems Non medical Families of preschoolers mean age of child 4.6 years (intervention group only)
Boggs SR, Eyberg SM, Edwards DL, Rayfield A, Jacobs J, Bagner D and Hood KK (2004) [24] 2004 Parent child interaction therapy (PCIT) Longitudinal - time unlimited, mean treatment length 13 weekly sessions RCT individual Retention USA 46/61 enrolled Unclear Existing disruptive behaviour Medical Children with disruptive behaviour disorders
Byrnes HF, Miller B A, Aalborg AE and Keagy CD (2012) [25] 2012 Parenting intervention Longitudinal but this looks at enrolment RCT individual Recruitment USA 351/744 eligible Health setting - medical centres Substance use prevention Non medical Families with an 11-12 year old
Constantine WL, Haynes CW, Spiker D, Kendall-Tackett K and Constantine NA (1993) [26] 1993 3 year home visits, parent support groups and education program v normal care 3 years RCT individual Retention USA 885/1302 eligible Mixed - large urban tertiary care centres and satellite clinics for hard to reach Low birth weight premature infants reducing health and development problems Non medical Babies born before 37 weeks
Cunningham CE, Boyle M, Offord D, Racine Y, Hundert J, Secord M and McDonald J (2000) [28] 2000 Parenting intervention Enrolment RCT cluster Recruitment (retention not clear) Canada 1498 Community - schools Children at risk of disruptive behaviour disorder - parent training Non medical 5-8 year olds with high parent reported externalising problems
Cunningham CE, Bremner R and Boyle M (1995) [27] 1995 Parenting intervention Longitudinal RCT individual Retention Canada 150 Community - community-based neighbourhood schools and community centres Children at risk of disruptive behaviour disorder - parent training Non medical Junior kindergarten school children with problems at home
Damashek A, Doughty D, Ware L and Silovsky J (2011) [29] 2011 Parenting intervention Longitudinal RCT individual Recruitment USA 398 Community - home Child maltreatment prevention Non medical Female caregivers with a child 1-5 years in home
Daniels LA, Wilson JL, Mallan KM, Mihrshahi S, Perry R, Nicholson JM and Magarey A [30] 2012 Parenting intervention Longitudinal RCT individual Recruitment and retention Australia 698 Community - community child health clinics Nutrition – prevention Non medical 1st time mothers of healthy infants
Eisner M and Meidert U (2011) [31] 2011 Parenting intervention Longitudinal but this looks at enrolment RCT cluster Recruitment (retention not clear) Switzerland 821 test group only Community - public primary schools Parent training (triple P) Non medical Children in primary school
Fernandez MA and Eyberg SM (2009) [32] 2009 PCIT 2 year follow up RCT individual Retention USA 99 Health setting - PCIT Lab Existing disruptive behaviour Medical 3-6 year olds with Disruptive Behaviour Disorder
Firestone P and Witt JE (1982) [33] 1982 Parenting intervention 4 month programme RCT crossover Retention Canada 83 families (test group only) Health setting - psychology department hospital Hyperactive children Medical Families of hyperactive children 5-9 years of age
Gross D, Julion W and Fogg L (2001) [34] 2001 Parenting intervention 1 year - 15 months RCT cluster Recruitment and retention USA 155 test group only Community - childcare centres (community bases) Parent training Non medical 2-3 year olds attending day care centres, serving low income families
Heinrichs N, Bertram H, Kuschel A and Hahlweg K (2005) [35] 2005 Parenting intervention Enrolment RCT cluster Recruitment Germany 186/282 enrolled, test group only Community - schools Prevention of emotional and behaviour problems, parent training Non medical 3-6 year olds
Ireys HT, DeVet KA, and Chernoff R (2001) [36] 2001 Parenting intervention 15 months RCT individual Recruitment USA 161 Mixed - pediatric practices and home visits Children at risk of mental health problems because of serious ongoing physical health conditions Medical Mothers with children aged 7-10 months with diabetes sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis or asthma
Katz KS, El-Mohandes PA, Johnson DM, Jarrett PM, Rose A and Cober M (2001) [37] 2001 Parenting intervention 12 months RCT individual Recruitment and retention USA 286 Community - Home visits Parenting intervention to increase use of healthcare and to increase skills in providing safe and structured child rearing Non medical Mothers of babies, low income
Mihrshahi S, Vukasin N, Forbes S, Wainwright C, Krause W, Ampon R, Mellis C, Marks G, Peat J (2002) [39] 2002 Parenting intervention 5 years RCT individual Recruitment Australia 616 Community - home visits Asthma – prevention Medical Pregnant women with asthma or father has asthma
Miller GE and Prinz RJ (2003) [40] 2003 Parenting intervention Longitudinal RCT individual Retention USA 147 Health setting - children and family centre affiliated with a university Serious childhood aggression and conduct problems Medical Families with 5-9 year old boys
Moser DK, Dracup K and Doering JV (2000) [41] 2000 3 methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training v control Longitudinal RCT individual Retention USA 578 Unclear Cardiac/respiratory arrest Medical Parents and caregivers of high risk neonates at risk of cardiac/respiratory arrest
Multicentre Otitis Media Study Group (2001) [38] 2001 Bilateral intervention tubes with and without adenoidectomy against non surgical management 12 weeks from 1st visit to randomisation RCT individual Recruitment UK 1315 Health setting - 3 UK Centres - Hospitals Otologica (hearing) Glue Ear Medical 3y3m - 9y9m referred for otological problems (OME)
Ramos-Gomez F, Chung LH, Beristain RG, Santo W, Jue B, Weintraub J, Gansky S (2008) [42] 2008 Dental disease management Longitudinal RCT individual Recruitment and retention USA 361 Health setting - health centres Childhood caries Non medical Pregnant women attending community health centres, mostly Hispanic
Roggman LA, Cook GA, Peterson CA and Raikes HH (2008) [43] 2008 Parenting intervention Longitudinal RCT individual Retention USA 564 test group only Community - interviews by phone and home visits Home visits for early childhood development Non medical Children up to age 3
Van den Akker EH, Rovers MM, Van Staaij BK, Hoes AW and Schilder AGM (2003) [44] 2003 Adenotonsillectomy Enrolment RCT individual Recruitment Netherlands First 270 randomised children Health setting - hospital Adenotonsille- ctomy Medical 2-8 years old
Vermaire JH, van Loveren C and Hoogstraten J (2011) [49] 2011 Caries prevention strategies - detail unknown 6 years RCT individual Recruitment Netherlands 286 Health setting - dental practices Caries Non medical 6 year old in dental clinics
Wagner M, Spiker D, Inman Linn M and Hernandez F (2003) [45] 2003 Parenting intervention Monthly home visits, look at sample up to child's first birthday RCT individual Retention Canada 238 Community - home based Behaviour Non medical Low income families, up to 8 months old (home visitation group only - not control)
Werba BE, Eyberg SM, Boggs SR and Algina J (2006) [46] 2006 PCIT Longitudinal RCT individual Retention USA 99 Health setting - psychology clinic in health sciences centre Existing disruptive behaviour disorder – PCIT Medical Families of 3-6 year olds
Winslow EB, Bonds D, Wolchik S, Sandler I, Braver S (2009) [47] 2009 Parenting intervention 11 weeks RCT individual Recruitment and retention USA 325 Mixed - home and sessions on University campus Parenting programs for divorced mothers Non medical Divorced mothers with a child aged 9-12
Zebracki K, Drotar D, Kirchner H, Schluchter M, Redline S, Kercsmar C and Walders N (2003)[48] 2003 Control v session of problem solving therapy for family asthma management skills Longitudinal RCT individual Recruitment and retention USA 327 Health setting - teaching hospital Asthma Medical 4-12 year olds

RCT randomised controlled trial, SES socioeconomic status