Table 1.
Summary of study characteristics
Author | Year | Intervention | Study Length | Study Design | Focus | Country | Sample Size | Setting | Disease Type | Medical or non medical intervention | Target Population |
Aylward GP, Hatcher RP, Stripp B, Gustafson NF and Leavitt LA (1985) [22] | 1985 | Dexamethasone administration | Repeated visits | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 645 | Health setting - university centres | Prevention of respiratory distress syndrome | Medical | Babies - surviving infants |
Baker CN, Arnold DH and Meagher S (2011) [23] | 2011 | Parenting intervention | 8 weeks | RCT cluster | Recruitment | USA | 106 | Community - childcare centres | Parent training for preventing conduct problems | Non medical | Families of preschoolers mean age of child 4.6 years (intervention group only) |
Boggs SR, Eyberg SM, Edwards DL, Rayfield A, Jacobs J, Bagner D and Hood KK (2004) [24] | 2004 | Parent child interaction therapy (PCIT) | Longitudinal - time unlimited, mean treatment length 13 weekly sessions | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 46/61 enrolled | Unclear | Existing disruptive behaviour | Medical | Children with disruptive behaviour disorders |
Byrnes HF, Miller B A, Aalborg AE and Keagy CD (2012) [25] | 2012 | Parenting intervention | Longitudinal but this looks at enrolment | RCT individual | Recruitment | USA | 351/744 eligible | Health setting - medical centres | Substance use prevention | Non medical | Families with an 11-12 year old |
Constantine WL, Haynes CW, Spiker D, Kendall-Tackett K and Constantine NA (1993) [26] | 1993 | 3 year home visits, parent support groups and education program v normal care | 3 years | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 885/1302 eligible | Mixed - large urban tertiary care centres and satellite clinics for hard to reach | Low birth weight premature infants reducing health and development problems | Non medical | Babies born before 37 weeks |
Cunningham CE, Boyle M, Offord D, Racine Y, Hundert J, Secord M and McDonald J (2000) [28] | 2000 | Parenting intervention | Enrolment | RCT cluster | Recruitment (retention not clear) | Canada | 1498 | Community - schools | Children at risk of disruptive behaviour disorder - parent training | Non medical | 5-8 year olds with high parent reported externalising problems |
Cunningham CE, Bremner R and Boyle M (1995) [27] | 1995 | Parenting intervention | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Retention | Canada | 150 | Community - community-based neighbourhood schools and community centres | Children at risk of disruptive behaviour disorder - parent training | Non medical | Junior kindergarten school children with problems at home |
Damashek A, Doughty D, Ware L and Silovsky J (2011) [29] | 2011 | Parenting intervention | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Recruitment | USA | 398 | Community - home | Child maltreatment prevention | Non medical | Female caregivers with a child 1-5 years in home |
Daniels LA, Wilson JL, Mallan KM, Mihrshahi S, Perry R, Nicholson JM and Magarey A [30] | 2012 | Parenting intervention | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Recruitment and retention | Australia | 698 | Community - community child health clinics | Nutrition – prevention | Non medical | 1st time mothers of healthy infants |
Eisner M and Meidert U (2011) [31] | 2011 | Parenting intervention | Longitudinal but this looks at enrolment | RCT cluster | Recruitment (retention not clear) | Switzerland | 821 test group only | Community - public primary schools | Parent training (triple P) | Non medical | Children in primary school |
Fernandez MA and Eyberg SM (2009) [32] | 2009 | PCIT | 2 year follow up | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 99 | Health setting - PCIT Lab | Existing disruptive behaviour | Medical | 3-6 year olds with Disruptive Behaviour Disorder |
Firestone P and Witt JE (1982) [33] | 1982 | Parenting intervention | 4 month programme | RCT crossover | Retention | Canada | 83 families (test group only) | Health setting - psychology department hospital | Hyperactive children | Medical | Families of hyperactive children 5-9 years of age |
Gross D, Julion W and Fogg L (2001) [34] | 2001 | Parenting intervention | 1 year - 15 months | RCT cluster | Recruitment and retention | USA | 155 test group only | Community - childcare centres (community bases) | Parent training | Non medical | 2-3 year olds attending day care centres, serving low income families |
Heinrichs N, Bertram H, Kuschel A and Hahlweg K (2005) [35] | 2005 | Parenting intervention | Enrolment | RCT cluster | Recruitment | Germany | 186/282 enrolled, test group only | Community - schools | Prevention of emotional and behaviour problems, parent training | Non medical | 3-6 year olds |
Ireys HT, DeVet KA, and Chernoff R (2001) [36] | 2001 | Parenting intervention | 15 months | RCT individual | Recruitment | USA | 161 | Mixed - pediatric practices and home visits | Children at risk of mental health problems because of serious ongoing physical health conditions | Medical | Mothers with children aged 7-10 months with diabetes sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis or asthma |
Katz KS, El-Mohandes PA, Johnson DM, Jarrett PM, Rose A and Cober M (2001) [37] | 2001 | Parenting intervention | 12 months | RCT individual | Recruitment and retention | USA | 286 | Community - Home visits | Parenting intervention to increase use of healthcare and to increase skills in providing safe and structured child rearing | Non medical | Mothers of babies, low income |
Mihrshahi S, Vukasin N, Forbes S, Wainwright C, Krause W, Ampon R, Mellis C, Marks G, Peat J (2002) [39] | 2002 | Parenting intervention | 5 years | RCT individual | Recruitment | Australia | 616 | Community - home visits | Asthma – prevention | Medical | Pregnant women with asthma or father has asthma |
Miller GE and Prinz RJ (2003) [40] | 2003 | Parenting intervention | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 147 | Health setting - children and family centre affiliated with a university | Serious childhood aggression and conduct problems | Medical | Families with 5-9 year old boys |
Moser DK, Dracup K and Doering JV (2000) [41] | 2000 | 3 methods of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training v control | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 578 | Unclear | Cardiac/respiratory arrest | Medical | Parents and caregivers of high risk neonates at risk of cardiac/respiratory arrest |
Multicentre Otitis Media Study Group (2001) [38] | 2001 | Bilateral intervention tubes with and without adenoidectomy against non surgical management | 12 weeks from 1st visit to randomisation | RCT individual | Recruitment | UK | 1315 | Health setting - 3 UK Centres - Hospitals | Otologica (hearing) Glue Ear | Medical | 3y3m - 9y9m referred for otological problems (OME) |
Ramos-Gomez F, Chung LH, Beristain RG, Santo W, Jue B, Weintraub J, Gansky S (2008) [42] | 2008 | Dental disease management | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Recruitment and retention | USA | 361 | Health setting - health centres | Childhood caries | Non medical | Pregnant women attending community health centres, mostly Hispanic |
Roggman LA, Cook GA, Peterson CA and Raikes HH (2008) [43] | 2008 | Parenting intervention | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 564 test group only | Community - interviews by phone and home visits | Home visits for early childhood development | Non medical | Children up to age 3 |
Van den Akker EH, Rovers MM, Van Staaij BK, Hoes AW and Schilder AGM (2003) [44] | 2003 | Adenotonsillectomy | Enrolment | RCT individual | Recruitment | Netherlands | First 270 randomised children | Health setting - hospital | Adenotonsille- ctomy | Medical | 2-8 years old |
Vermaire JH, van Loveren C and Hoogstraten J (2011) [49] | 2011 | Caries prevention strategies - detail unknown | 6 years | RCT individual | Recruitment | Netherlands | 286 | Health setting - dental practices | Caries | Non medical | 6 year old in dental clinics |
Wagner M, Spiker D, Inman Linn M and Hernandez F (2003) [45] | 2003 | Parenting intervention | Monthly home visits, look at sample up to child's first birthday | RCT individual | Retention | Canada | 238 | Community - home based | Behaviour | Non medical | Low income families, up to 8 months old (home visitation group only - not control) |
Werba BE, Eyberg SM, Boggs SR and Algina J (2006) [46] | 2006 | PCIT | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Retention | USA | 99 | Health setting - psychology clinic in health sciences centre | Existing disruptive behaviour disorder – PCIT | Medical | Families of 3-6 year olds |
Winslow EB, Bonds D, Wolchik S, Sandler I, Braver S (2009) [47] | 2009 | Parenting intervention | 11 weeks | RCT individual | Recruitment and retention | USA | 325 | Mixed - home and sessions on University campus | Parenting programs for divorced mothers | Non medical | Divorced mothers with a child aged 9-12 |
Zebracki K, Drotar D, Kirchner H, Schluchter M, Redline S, Kercsmar C and Walders N (2003)[48] | 2003 | Control v session of problem solving therapy for family asthma management skills | Longitudinal | RCT individual | Recruitment and retention | USA | 327 | Health setting - teaching hospital | Asthma | Medical | 4-12 year olds |
RCT randomised controlled trial, SES socioeconomic status