Rapid, dose- and time-dependent homologous desensitization of the hGLP-2R in DLD-1 cells. (A) DLD-1 cells stably transfected with the hGLP-2R (DLD-1:hGLP-2R) were pretreated with vehicle (control, C) or 10 nM hGLP-2 for 20 min, allowed to recover for 30 min, and then rechallenged with 0–500 nM hGLP-2 before intracellular cAMPi measurement. The pretreatment agonist concentrations (B) or times (C) were varied, as shown, and the cells were rechallenged with 100 nM GLP-2 after a 30-min recovery to determine maximal agonist-induced cAMPi accumulation. cAMP concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay as indicated in MATERIALS AND METHODS. Data are means ± SD from triplicate values and are representative of three to four independent experiments. In B and C, data were normalized to the control (C) values. The control value represents hGLP-2-induced cAMPi accumulation in cells pretreated with vehicle before rechallenge. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 compared with control values.