Comparison of the hydride regions of 1H NMR spectra
acquired during activation of the water-soluble CODDA/Ir SABRE catalyst 13 (a) and the conventional Ir/IMes SABRE catalyst 16 (b and c). (a) Upfield 1H NMR region showing changes
to the hydride resonances during activation of 13 in
D2O observed at 30, 60, and 180 s after pH2 bubbling
began (1 atm). A corresponding attempt to observe activation of the
(poorly water-soluble) conventional SABRE catalyst in D2O (16) exhibited no hydride signal (b). Selected spectra
obtained separately during activation of 16 in deuterated
methanol are shown in panel c, respectively, 60 and 420 s following
the onset of pH2 bubbling. As expected, activation of both 13 and 16 trend toward the same final hydride
signal (i.e., a strong singlet at ∼22.8 ppm). Spectra in panels
a–c possess different vertical scales.