Figure 2.
(A) Flow cytometry of PTK7 expression results for HCT116 and U87MG cell lines. (B) Western blot analysis of PTK7 and β-actin expression by cells (C) Binding affinities of 18F-Tr-Sgc8 in HCT116 and U87MG cells. (D) Representative Western blot analysis of PTK7 and β-actin expression by liver (1), intestine (2), U87MG tumor (3), HCT116 peritoneal metastasis (4), subcutaneous HCT116 tumor (5), HCT116 kidney metastasis (6), HCT116 liver tumor (7) and HCT116 peritoneal wall metastasis (8) (two upper panels) and quantitative results of PTK7/β-actin ratio from three Western blots (lower panel).