Hydrodissection of the vaginal walls is performed with at least 30 cc of 0.25% bupivicaine with epinephrine or dilute vasopressin (20 Units/50–100 cc)
A 4 cm transverse vaginal incision is made in the anterior vaginal wall between the bladder neck and the cervix but at least 3 cm from the cervix so that the suture line will not overlap with the mesh.
Blunt or sharp dissection is allowed to approach the sacrospinous ligament extraperitoneally.
After confirmation of the location of the ischial spine, the tapered lead and mesh assembly is delivered into the sacrospinous ligament 1–2 fingerbreadths medial to the ischial spine.
The most cephalic edge of the mesh is attached to the cervix with sutures.
Mesh modifications (e.g. cutting) are strongly discouraged; any exceptions will be documented on operative case report forms.
Tensioning is performed to re-suspend the apex without tense mesh arms.
Vaginal closure is performed with 2-0 polyglactin suture.
A vaginal pack and indwelling urethral catheter are placed and removed on postoperative day 1.