CueO is readily activated by externally added copper.
A, exemplary spectroscopic assay of DMP-oxidase activity with apo-CueO from cytoplasm. Note that the enzyme was inactive until CuSO4 was added (indicated by an arrow), which activates the enzyme without requirement of additional factors (solid line). In the negative control, CuSO4 was added to an assay lacking enzyme (dotted line). Assay specifications: CueO, 0.6 μm; CuSO4, 250 μm; DMP, 1 mm; activity, 1.5 units/mg. B, CueO DMP oxidase activity depends on external copper concentrations. The diagram shows the specific activity of DMP oxidation at a range of copper concentrations. All data points are corrected for non-enzymatic copper effects and reflect the result of five replicates. The standard deviation is indicated.