Faecal Pi in 5/6 NX rats on a high‐Pi diet. NX rats were treated with vehicle (Veh), VS‐505 or sevelamer carbonate in food for 4 weeks as described in the ‘Methods’ section and in Figure 3. Sham rats on high‐Pi diet with no addition of Veh or binders served as control. At three different time points (pre‐dosing, at week 2 post‐dosing and at week 4 post‐dosing), feces samples were collected for Pi determination as described in the ‘Methods’ section. Mean ± SEM was calculated for each group. The final number of rats per group was as presented in Table 1. One‐way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's test with 95% confidence intervals of difference was performed for statistical comparisons. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 versus pre‐dosing, the same group. #
P < 0.05, ##
P < 0.01, ###
P < 0.001 versus sham, the same time point. Open bar: pre‐dosing, the same group. Solid bar: week 2 post‐dosing. Pattern bar: week 4 post‐dosing.