Fig. 1.
The X4 as compared to co-circulating R5 and R5X4 envs are more neutralization resistant to autologous contemporaneous plasma. (a–g) Figures show neutralization IC50s for R5 (circles), dual-tropic (triangles), and X4 (boxes) viruses against autologous contemporaneous plasma. Symbols represent one of the 88 independent envs from the 7 subjects labeled above each graph. Y-axis shows the IC50 against autologous contemporaneous plasma as reciprocal dilution. Figure h shows the aggregate comparisons in all subjects, and each symbol shows the median IC50s within a subject for envs with the defined co-receptor phenotype. In every case, the long line represents the median of the dot plots, and the whiskers show the interquartile range. Star indicates statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). The dashed line shows the highest tested plasma dilution (1:50). Symbols below the dotted lines are envs that were not neutralized by at least 50% at the highest tested plasma dilution. For statistical comparisons, these envs were assigned a midpoint value between 0 and 50.