Fig. 6.
LEDGIN treatment reduces reactivation from latency. SupT1 cells were infected with single round double reporter virus (OGH) and treated with different concentrations of CX014442 (as indicated). % eGFP–% mKO2 positive cells were monitored, respectively. 11 days post infection cells were reactivated using TNFα (10 ng/mL). (a) Dose–response curve showing the % eGFP+, mKO2+ cells and the overall % mKO2+ cells after reactivation with DMSO or TNFα. (b) Average fold increase in percentage eGFP+, mKO2+ or productively infected cells upon stimulation with TNF alpha relative to the DMSO treated condition. (c) Average decrease in the fraction quiescent cells (% eGFP−, mKO2+ cells) / (% mKO2+ cells) ∗ 100 or silent reservoir fraction upon stimulation with TNF α relative to the DMSO treated condition. Data in (b) and (c) represent averages of 3 different vector dilutions and error bars indicate the standard deviation. The straight lines represent the linear regression calculations together with the 95% confidence band plotted in grey and the residual error relative to the linear regression plot is depicted in the right panel. TNFα; Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, DMSO; Dimethyl sulfoxide, eGFP; Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein, mKO2; Mutant Kusubira Orange 2, All viruses are VSV-G pseudotyped.