Figure 2.
Transient, isotopically labeled kinetic experiments over Cu-Na-ZSM-5 (Cu/Al = 0.37, Na/Al = 0.26). Catalyst pretreatment: 5 h at 823 K under flowing O2, cooled to 483 K under O2 flow and purged under He for 0.5 h. Initial CH4 oxidation: 0.5 h under 2400 mL h–1 gcat–1 of 17% 13CH4/He at 483 K. Reaction conditions: T = 483 K, WHSV = 2400 mL h–1 gcat–1, P12CH4 = 98.1 kPa, PH2O = 3.2 kPa, PO2 = 0.0025 kPa (25 ppm). After 31 h on-stream, WHSV was reduced to 300 mL h–1 gcat–1 represented by the dashed line. Gray area denotes 0.5 h pulse of P13CH4 = 98 kPa, PH2O = 3.2 kPa, PO2 = 0.0025 kPa.