(a) Schematic of CsChrimson chimera. (b) Action spectra for
Chrimson and CsChrimson, as well as the Chrimson spectrum data from the original
manuscript (HEK293 cells; measured using equal photon fluxes of ~2.5 ×
1021 photons/s/m2). (c) Schematic of trafficking
sequences used to generate the CsChrimson Drosophila transgenics.
(d–e) Maximum photocurrents in response to red
(625-nm) and far-red (735-nm) light as measured in cultured neurons.
(f–g) Turn-on (f) and recovery kinetics
(g) in response to 735-nm light. CsChrimson kinetic data were pooled from
all trafficking versions. All constructs in this panel were expressed under CaMKII
promoter and selected based solely on the presence of co-transfected cytosolic tdTomato
expression. Illumination conditions are as labeled in each panel. Box plot whiskers
represent minimum and maximum data points. Box limits represent 25th
percentile, median, and 75th percentile. n values:
Chrimson-GFP (n = 9 cells in d, n
= 12 cells in e), CsChrimson-GFP (n = 7
cells in d, n = 8 cells in e),
CsChrimson-KGC-GFP (n = 7 cells in d,
e), CsChrimson-GFP-ER2 (n = 4 cells in
d, n = 3 cells in e), and
CsChrimson-KGC-GFP-ER2 (n = 10 cells in d,
n = 11 cells in e). Plotted data are mean
± s.e.m. in b, f, and g. ANOVA with
Dunnett’s post hoc test with Chrimson-GFP as reference in
d, e.