Lipid droplet quantification and clustering analysis. (A,B) Histograms of LD aggregate sizes (number of LDs in each cluster, and their occurrence) in a typical (A) GV oocyte, and (B) MII egg. Total number of LDs and total number of un-clustered LDs are also indicated. (C) Scatter plot of the square root of the mean square aggregate size () against the total number of LDs, in ensembles of GV oocytes (n=33), MII eggs (n=30), MII eggs starved of pyruvate (PyrSt; n=8), two-cell (2Cell; n=10) and four-cell (4Cell; n=8) embryos (including those represented in Fig. 1). The distribution of each variable in the corresponding ensemble is shown as a mean (symbol) and standard deviation (bar). The case of a random LD distribution simulated for a range of total number of LDs is also shown for comparison.