Table 1. Experimental values used to calculate the spin-power and resulting temperature rate, with the electronic spin relaxation times τ1e and τ2e obtained from Rast and Atsarkin [12, 13].
Parameter | Value | Units |
γ | 1.7608592 × 1011 | rad.s−1.T−1 |
N | 3.011 × 1020 | number of Gd atoms per ml |
ℏ | 1.0545717 × 10−34 | J.s.rad−1 |
S | 7/2 | resultant spin angular momentum |
B0 | 30.6 | mT |
k | 1.3806503 × 10−23 | J.K−1 |
T | 310.15 | K |
τ1e | 0.1 | ns |
τ2e | 0.1 | ns |
B1 | 1.5 | mT |
we(ω0) | 2.93 × 108 | s−1 |