Fig 2. Experiment 1 (bilateral stimulation).
A) Overall task performance: Error Rates for the ‘No change’, ‘Irrelevant Change’, ‘Relevant and Irrelevant Change’, ‘Relevant Change’, and ‘Competitive Trials’ conditions. Note that competitive trials (‘compet’) are the most difficult ones. Errors in this condition were used to monitor the effects of LTP- vs LTD-like stimulation. B) Performance on ‘competitive trials’ for the three pre-stimulation and three post-stimulation blocks of the LTP-like and LTD-like groups. C) Single-subject results on ‘competitive trials’ for each stimulation group. D) Error rates on ‘competitive trials’ for each hemifield. A main effect of hemifield together with a lack of significant interaction with stimulation suggest a general left hemifield advantage in this face processing task (see Results and S2 Fig for equivalent results in exp. 2 and 3). Pre-stim = pre-stimulation (i.e., blocks 2 and 3); post-stim = post-stimulation (i.e., blocks 4, 5 and 6) (see Results). * p< 0.05; ** p< 0.01. Error bars = +/- 1 SEM across subjects.