Fig 5.
A) The isotherms of the binding between lysozyme and AP-NPs or AP-MPs. Shown are the fractions of lysozyme that bound to the particles at different aluminumto lysozyme ratios (w/w). Data are mean from 3 measurements. Standard deviations are not shown for clarity. B) Serum lysozyme-specific total IgG levels. Mice (n = 5) were dosed on days 7 and 14 with lysozyme-adsorbed AP-NPs or AP-MPs. Lysozyme alone was used as a control. The total anti-lysozyme IgG levels in serum samples were measured 7 days after the second immunization (* p < 0.05, AP-NPs vs. AP-MPs; # p < 0.05, vs. lysozyme alone at the same dilution factor).