Fig. 3.
Effect 5-HT2A/CRs modulation on SWDs peak frequency. (A) Representative spike and wave discharge (SWD) (red, top) and corresponding wavelet power spectrum on a time-frequency representation (bottom). The peak frequency of the SWD was identified by extracting the instantaneous frequency of the power maximum in the range 5–14 Hz at each time point of the SWD (magenta line in time-frequency plot) and subsequently calculating its mean. (B) Changes (mean ± SEM) in SWD peak frequency induced by administration of 5-HT2AR and 5-HT2CR agonists and antagonists (bottom row) isolated or in combination with another drug (doses in mg/kg are reported at the bottom of the graph). Asterisks indicate p < 0.05 (independent samples t-test for drug vs vehicle).