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. 2016 Jun 24;16:202. doi: 10.1186/s12888-016-0905-7

Table 1.

Sociodemographic information, abduction history, trauma-exposure, symptoms of PTSD and depression by gender

Males (n = 304) Females (n = 365)
Sociodemographic Information
 Age, mean (SD) 41.46 (11.44) 38.37 (11.04)
 Marital Status, N (%)
  single/separated/widowed 18 (5.92) 82 (22.47)
  married/cohabiting 286 (94.08) 283 (77.53)
 Level of Education, N (%)
  no schooling/some primary 207 (68.10) 351 (96.16)
  completed primary or higher 97 (31.91) 14 (3.84)
 Abduction, N (%) 206 (67.76) 146 (40.00)
  Abduction longer than one month, N (%) 95 (46.12) 34 (23.29)
  Abduction duration, mean (SD)a 5.25 (11.15) 4.17 (12.83)
  Age at first abduction, mean (SD) 25.66 (10.28) 22.68 (9.68)
 Family Violence event-types total, mean (SD)b 6.15 (4.23) 5.60 (4.09)
  Family Violence event-types physical abusec 2.40 (1.96) 2.09 (1.87)
  Family Violence event-types emotional abused 2.26 (1.61) 2.08 (1.58)
  Family Violence event-types sexual abusee 0.04 (0.20) 0.04 (0.25)
  Family Violence event-types witnessedf 1.46 (1.40) 1.35 (1.36)
 Traumatic event-types total, mean (SD)g 13.71 (4.41) 10.49 (4.51)
  Traumatic event-types experiencedh 5.66 (2.04) 4.44 (2.14)
  Traumatic event-types witnessedi 7.27 (2.07) 5.84 (2.43)
  Event-types with forced perpetrationj 0.78 (1.27) 0.21 (0.74)
 PTSD Symptoms total, mean (SD)k 2.81 (4.42) 2.92 (4.75)
  Symptoms Intrusionsl 1.01 (1.61) 1.00 (1.68)
  Symptoms Avoidancem 0.84 (1.64) 0.85 (1.68)
  Symptoms Hyperarousall 0.96 (1.79) 1.06 (1.97)
 Depression Symptoms, mean (SD)n 1.41 (0.49) 1.80 (0.66)

ain months. bscore range: 0–30. cscore range: 0–12. dscore range: 0–7. escore range. 0–4. fscore range: 0–7. gscore range: 0–28 for males, 0–30 for females. hscore range: 0–11 for males, 0–13 for females. iscore range: 0–11. jscore range: 0–6. kscore range: 0–51. lscore range: 0–15. mscore range: 0–21. nscore range: 1–4