Figure 6.
Histological examination of mast cell-deficient Stat6VT transgenic mice. A, Histological analysis of ear tissue from WT, Stat6VT, and Stat6VT x Kit W-sh/W-sh mice. Samples were fixed and stained with H & E. Bar represents 0.4 mm. B, The inflammation in these sections was blindly scored for several pathophysiological parameters using a semi-quantitative scale of 0–3. All values are presented as the mean ± SEM. **p < 0.01, n=10–12 per group. C, The dermal thickness scores were also evaluated using a semi-quantitative scale of 0–3. **p < 0.01, n=10–12 per group. D, Expression of EDC genes in skin from mice of the indicated genotypes and analyzed as in Fig. 1. E, Expression of inflammatory genes in skin from mice of the indicated genotypes and analyzed as in Fig. 1. F, Quantitation of eosinophils from tissues shown in (G). G. High power photomicrographs of inflamed tissue from mice of the indicated genotypes. Eosinophils are indicated by arrows. Bars represent 0.04 mm.