Altered CCSs in Tac-μHD-Transfected HeLa 1.E Cells
(A–E) Deconvolved maximal projections of HeLa clone 1.E cells transfected with Tac-μHD and stained with the indicated antibody combinations. Transfected cells (blue outline), misrecruited juxtanuclear EPS15 and/or HRB (arrowheads), and altered pioneer/CLASP distributions (yellow arrows) are indicated. Sequestration is dose dependent; residual HRB-positive enlarged CCSs (white arrow) in a low Tac-μHD expresser (asterisk) are indicated in (A). Scale bar, 10 μm.
(F–F″) Representative deconvolved maximal projection of GFP-FYVE-μHD transfected (green outline) HeLa 1.E cells stained with the indicated antibodies. Scale bar, 10 μm.