Fig. 1. Growth and atomic-scale characterization of borophene sheets.
Schematics of (A) distorted B7 cluster and (B) growth setup with atomic structure model and STM topography rendering. (C) AES spectra of clean Ag(111) before and after boron deposition. (D to I) Series of large-scale STM topography (left) and closed-loop dI/dV (right) images of borophene sheets, showing (D and E) low coverage (Vsample = 2.0 V, It = 100 pA), (F and G) medium coverage (Vsample = 3.5 V, It = 100 pA), and (H and I) high coverage (Vsample = 3.5 V, It = 100 pA). Regions of homogeneous-phase, striped-phase island, and striped-phase nanoribbon are indicated with red, white, and blue arrows, respectively. (J to L) STM topography images showing (J) striped-phase atomic-scale structure (Vsample = 0.1 V, It = 1.0 nA). Inset shows rectangular lattice with overlaid lattice vectors. (K) Striped phase with rhombohedral (indicated by white rhombus) and honeycomb (indicated by purple arrow) Moiré patterns (Vsample = 3.5 V, It = 100 pA). (L) Striped-phase island, demonstrating carpet-mode growth (Vsample = 3.5 V, It = 100 pA). Inset shows atomic continuity across the Ag(111) step (Vsample = −0.5 V, It = 700 pA).