Fig. S5.
In vitro cultured ALM and PLM neurons of wild-type and transgenic animals expressing ced-10(G12V) from TRN-specific mec-17 promoter. (A) ALM neurons labeled with mec-17p::RFP in cytoplasm—a TRN marker—but not the nuclear egl-5::GFP—a PLM marker (57) have one long neurite. The arrow indicates the cell bodies that express both GFP and RFP. PLM neurons that are doubly labeled have two neurites growing in the opposing directions. (B) ALM and PLM neurons expressing ced-10(G12V) have multiple short neurites, abnormal cell shape, and increased spread area of the cell body. The average length of these neurites (9.5 μm for TRN::ced-10 G12V ALM and 8.2 μm for TRN::ced-10 G12V PLM) was shorter than that of neurites in cultured wild-type TRNs (26.4 μm for ALM and 19.3 μm for PLM). (C) The percentage of cells having 0, 1, 2, 3, and >3 neurites.