Fig. S6.
The morphology of TRNs overexpressing unc-73 and tiam-1. Animals carrying the uIs134[mec-17p::RFP] transgene as a TRN marker were injected with mec-17p::unc-73(+) and mec-17p::tiam-1(+) (each at 30 ng/μL). Although 92% (n = 85) of the TRNs showed a generally normal morphology, 8% of the TRNs had shorter anterior neurites. (A) ALM-AN did not extend over the branching point as the wild-type neurites. (Scale bar, 20 μm.) Arrows here and elsewhere in the figure point to the premature ends of the neurites. (B and C) PLM-AN was shortened and did not extend to the position of the vulva. (Scale bar, 100 μm.) (D) The PLM-PN was elongated upon the overexpression of both unc-73 and tiam-1.