Change in OCR response, preflight compared with postflight: weighted OCR data, averaged over eyes and rotation. The OCR response is presented with the weighted standard error. The first measurement was performed before spaceflight, and the last 3 experiments were performed after flight. The first postflight experiment took place 2 or 3 days after return, the second 4 or 5 days after return, and the late postflight experiment 9 or 10 days after return from a 6-mo stay in the ISS. At the preflight experiment (BDC) all 25 subjects were available for testing; 12 subjects were tested at R+2/3, 21 at R+4/5, and 22 at R+9/10. At R+2/3 OCR was 2.21° (SE = 0.20°) lower compared with preflight OCR, a significant decrease in OCR response (P < 0.001). Nine days after return, during the late postflight experiment, OCR returned back to preflight values.