(A) Partial rescue of spleen morphogenesis in E14.5 Tlx1–/– embryonic spleens treated with BMS493 or control vehicle at E10.5. Number of unjoined splenules (outlined in white) and surface area measurements were normalized to littermate controls. Statistical significance in the number of unjoined splenules was calculated using χ2, *P < 0.05. For the surface area measurement, the means of triplicates ± SD are shown. NS, not significant (2-tailed Student’s t test). Data are from 15 (BMS493) and 14 (DMSO) treated embryonic spleens from 3 different litters. HOM, homozygous; HET, heterozygous. (B) Validation of Vegf-a, collagen 4a1 (Col4a1), laminin B1 (Lamb1), and Rarb expression by qPRCs in E14.5 Tlx1+/– and Tlx1–/– embryonic spleens treated with BMS493 or control vehicle. The means of triplicates ± SD are shown, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (2-tailed Student’s t test). Data are representative of a pool of 12–16 embryonic spleens for each group from 4 different experiments.