Table 2.
Characteristics of included studies
Study | Language | Country | n | Average age (years)a | Sex: % of males | Time on HDa | Race/ethnicity (%) | Painful condition studied |
Aitken et al55 | English | Scotland | 449 | 60.5±0.72 | 56.6 | 5.19±2.3 years (range 0–27) (time from creation of AVF) | Not reported | AVF pain: acute pain on cannulation and chronic pain between dialysis sessions (most days for at least 4 weeks) |
Alessandri et al78 | English | Italy | 24 | 58±4 (range 41–75) | 63 | HDH patients: 37±3 months HDH-free: 45±4 months |
Not reported | HDH (IHS 2004 criteria) |
Al-Hilali et al33 | English | Kuwait | 40 | 48.6±14.9 | 38 | 34.5±2.7 months | Not reported | Intradialytic symptoms; baseline measure was used for this study |
André et al21 | English | Brazil | SHD 36 DHD 5 |
SHD 36±15 DHD 41±12 |
SHD 64 DHD 100 |
SHD 57±36 months DHD 50±21 months |
B/W: SHD 19/17 DHD 2/3 |
Intradialysis symptoms during last 6 months, including headache |
Antoniazzi et al39 | Portuguese | Brazil | 50 | 60% aged 20–49; 38% ≥50 | 56 | 42.4 months | Not reported | All patients had headaches strictly related to HD sessions (IHS 1988 criteria) |
Antoniazzi et al48 | English | Brazil | 123 | 48.2 | 58 | 42.2 months | Not reported | All types of headache; HDH (IHS 1988 criteria) |
Antoniazzi et al49 | English | Brazil | 132 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | All types of headache; HDH (IHS 1988 criteria) |
Bana et al72 | English | USA | 44 | 38±19 | 73 | Not reported | Not reported | All types of headache during HD |
Barakzoy and Moss15 | English | USA | 143 | Not reported for all participants | 37 | Not reported | White: 83 Black: 17 |
Current pain at the time of survey |
Barrett et al79 | English | Canada | 147 | 54±17 | 61 | 3.7±3.2 years | Not reported | Somatic symptoms in HD patients (time recall for pain unclear) |
Binik et al61 | English | Canada | 80 (53 HD, 27 Tx) | 45.3 | 61 | Range 1.4–2.8 years | Not reported | All types of pain on and off dialysis (time frame for reporting pain not reported) |
Bouattar et al36 | French | Morocco | 67 | 43.5±12.9 | 42 | 122±67 months (range 3–312) | Not reported | Chronic pain of all types (duration above 3 months) |
Bourbonnais and Tousignant57 | English | Canada | 25 | 31–80 68% >61 |
60 | Range 3 months–30 years | Not reported | Pain either during HD or upon returning home |
Braz and Duarte40 | Portuguese | Brazil | 162 | 47.3 | 58 | 44.1 months | Caucasian: 26 Non-Caucasian: 74 |
Musculoskeletal manifestations in HD patients (time recall for pain unclear) |
Calls et al43 | Spanish | Spain | 27 | 66.7±13.6 | 48 | 66.4±61.3 months | Not reported | Intradialytic and chronic pain (definition of chronic pain not reported) |
Caplin et al60 | English | UK | 508 | Median 64 | 54 | Median 37 months (range 18–64) | White: 45 Black: 29 South Asian: 20 Other: 2 |
Symptoms specifically experienced during the HD session |
Caplin et al34 | English | UK | 519 | 63 (range 50–75) | 56 | Median 32 months (range 13–52.5) | White: 37 Black: 34 South Asian: 15 Chinese: 7 Other: 7 |
All symptoms specifically experienced during the HD session |
Carreon et al80 | English | USA | 75 | 59±14 | 67 | 4.4±5.8 years | White: 64 | Bone/joint pain over the past 7 days |
Chattopadhyay et al81 | English | UK | 15 | Median 45 (range 31–59) | 73 | 182 months (range 120–210) | Not reported | Shoulder-pain syndrome on long-term HD (time frame for reporting pain not reported) |
Claxton et al62 | English | USA | 62 | 59 | 55 | 4±4 years | White: 26 African-American: 35 |
Physical symptoms over the prior week |
Cristofolini et al50 | English | Brazil | 205 | 51.9±14.8 | 51 | Median (range) With LBP: 2.8 years (0–17) Without LBP: 1.5 years (0–29) |
Not reported | Chronic LBP (duration above 3 months) |
Davison14 | English | Canada | 205 | 60±16.9 | 58 | 45.0±38.5 months | Caucasian: 78.5 Asian: 7.8 First Nations: 6.3 African: 1.5 Other: 5.9 |
Chronic pain of all types (duration above 3 months), pain in previous 24 hours, and current pain |
Davison et al82 | English | Canada | 205 | 60±16.9 | 58 | 33.2±49.4 months Median 15.6 months |
Caucasian: 78.4 Asian: 7.8 First Nations: 6.4 African: 1.5 Other: 5.9 |
Chronic pain of all types (duration above 3 months) |
Davison et al83 | English | Canada | 591 | 61.3±16.3 | 9.3 | 3.3±2.8 years | White: 72.6 Aboriginal: 11.3 Others: 16.1 |
Dialysis patients’ symptom burden, including pain (time frame for reporting pain not reported) |
Jesus et al51 | English | Brazil | 177 | 46.22±14.3 | 59 | 32.9±22.8 months | Not reported | All types of headache; HDH (IHS 2004 criteria) |
Armendáriz et al44 | Spanish | Spain | 35 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Evaluation of pain before, during, and after dialysis |
Djurić et al41 | Serbian | Serbia | 143 | Range 20–86 | 65 | HDH patients: 57.2±60.4 months HDH-free: 49.2±44.1 months |
Not reported | All types of headache, HDH (IHS 2004 criteria) |
El Harraqui et al37 | French | Morocco | 66 | 55.3±13.3 | 45 | 82±56 months (range 4–252) | Not reported | Pain’s epidemiology and characteristics in chronic HD, including AVF puncture pain |
Elsurer et al84 | English | Turkey | 95 | 53.9±14.3 (range 20–82) | 52 | Median 48 months (range 15–300) | Not reported | Chronic bone pain (>3 months) |
Er et al85 | English | Turkey | 95 | 51.5 (range 22–78) | Not reported | 5.21±3.89 years | Not reported | Pain in HD patients: instant (24 hours), acute (>3 days), and chronic (>3 months) |
Fidan et al86 | English | Turkey | 50 | 56.04±16.77 | 48 | Median 24 months (range 2–276) | Not reported | All patients had MS symptoms at the time of the study |
Fortina et al38 | Italian | Italy | 100 | 68±33 (range 33–88) | 73 | Not reported | Not reported | Chronic pain of all types (definition of chronic pain not reported) |
Gamondi et al87 | English | Switzerland | 123 | Range 36–90 | 61 | 3.5 years (range 1–22) | Not reported | Pain during the past 4 weeks |
Goksan et al88 | English | Turkey | 63 | 44±10 | 52 | 5±3.8 years | Not reported | All patients HDH (IHS 1988 and 2003 criteria) |
Goksel et al59 | English | Turkey | 250 | 44.9±16.9 (range 15–75) | 42 | HDH patients: 47.7±42 months Control: 41.3±32 months |
Not reported | Prevalence of all types of headache; further studies only patients with headache experiences during HD sessions and in the 72 hours after a session (IHS 2004 criteria) |
Golan et al52 | English | Israel | 100 | 64.5 | 45 | 40.4±42.0 months (range 3–204) | Arab: 31 Non-Arab: 69 |
Chronic pain (duration above 3 months) |
Harris et al89 | English | USA | 128 | 57.3±13.8 (range 24–86) | 60.2 | 39.9±40.9 months | African-American: 91.4 White: 7 Asian or Pacific Islander: 1.6 |
Pain during HD treatment (excluding needle insertion) and at times between dialysis treatment (nondialysis days) during past month |
Iacono et al90 | English | USA | 45 | 53 | Not reported | 4.2 years | Not reported | In-center HD chronic pain |
Khan et al91 | English | Pakistan | 42 | Range 20–75 | 64 | Not reported | Not reported | Symptomatology in ESRD patients on HD |
Kimmel et al92 | English | USA | 165 | 60.9 | 52 | 44 months | African-American: 33.3 White: 63 Asian: 1.2 Other: 2.5 |
Symptoms of patients on HD, including pain (time frame for reporting pain not reported) |
Konishiike et al53 | English | Japan | 166 | 58.4 (range 35–78) | 57 | 9 years (range 0.3–22.7) | Not reported | Shoulder pain at the time of survey in long-term HD patients |
Malaki et al54 | English | Iran | 26 | 35.7±21.9 | 23 | 34.8±18 months (range 9–75 months) | Not reported | Leg pain present at least for three to four times per week, persisting for several weeks |
Mercadante et al32 | English | Italy | 95 | 63.4±14.4 | 41.8 | 5±4.5 years | Not reported | Chronic pain (IASP 1986 criteria) |
Milinković et al58 | English | Serbia | 318 | 55.19±15.5 | 63 | HDH patients: 49.43±39.56 months HDH-free: 55.63±53.2 |
Not reported | All types of headache; HDH (IHS 2004 criteria) |
Nikić et al42 | Serbian | Serbia | 126 | 58 (range 20–79) | 62 | HDH patients: 73.34±63.29 months HDH-free: 59.01±53.17 |
Not reported | All types of headache; HDH (IHS 2004 criteria) |
Parfrey et al93 | English | Canada | 77 | 52±2 | 53 | 3.5±0.4 years | Not reported | Nonspecific symptoms currently experienced in dialysis patients, including headache |
Rodriguez Calero et al46 | Spanish | Spain | 38 | 65±14.8 | 47 | 65.13±78.5 months | Not reported | Current intradialytic pain |
Rodriguez Calero et al45 | Spanish | Spain | 32 | 66.7±13.6 | 53 | Pain patients: 61.5±60.3 months Pain-free: 47.8±43.8 months |
Not reported | Chronic pain of all types (definition of chronic pain not reported) |
Rodriguez Calero et al47 | Spanish | Spain | 27 | 66.7±13.6 | 48 | Pain patients: 60.5±58.5 Pain-free: 45.7±44.2 months |
Not reported | Chronic and intradialytic pain (definition of chronic pain not reported) |
Shayamsunder et al94 | English | USA | 156 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Pain in the HD population, including pain on needle insertion (no details about the type of cannulation or pain reporting period) |
Vergne et al35 | French | France | 66 | 66.8±13.1 | 73 | 47 months, median 25 months | Not reported | AV-access puncture pain (rope-ladder technique) |
Weisbord et al95 | English | USA | 179 | 61.9 | 62 | 4±4.1 years | Black: 48 White: 51 Asian: 1 |
Symptoms, including pain, in previous 7 days |
Average age and time on hemodialysis presented as mean or mean ± SD, unless indicated differently.
Abbreviations: AV, arteriovenous; AVF, arteriovenous fistula; B/W, black/white ratio; DHD, daily hemodialysis; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; HD, hemodialysis; HDH, HD headache; IASP, International Association for the Study of Pain; IHS, International Headache Society; LBP, low-back pain; MS, musculoskeletal; SD, standard deviation; SHD, standard HD; Tx, transplant.