Figure 2.
(A) Average directional modulation relationship for a direct (mapped) and near (close by but unmapped) unit during manual control and brain control on 2 consecutive days. Partial lines above each tuning curve represent the respective preferred direction for each daily brain control (PDBC) and manual control (PDMC) session. The shaded region is the respective variance of the bootstrap distributions of PDBC and PDMC. Waveforms and interspike interval distributions from a direct (red) and near (blue) unit on consecutive days are also shown. Reprinted with permission of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., from Ganguly et al. (2011), copyright 2011. (B) Within-manifold perturbations can be quickly adapted to. The firing rate (FR) observed on each electrode in a brief epoch define a point (green dots) in the neural space. The intrinsic manifold (yellow plane) characterizes the prominent patterns of co-modulation. Neural activity maps onto the control space (black line) to specify cursor velocity. Right, control spaces for an intuitive mapping (black arrow), within-manifold perturbation (red arrow), and outside-manifold perturbation (blue arrow). Adapted with permission of Macmillan Publishers Ltd., from Sadtler et al. (2014), copyright 2014.