Table 8.
Longitudinal predictors of negative affect (NA), positive affect (PA), and life satisfaction (CWB): Results of fixed effects regressions (Waves 3-4) in the total sample, men, and women.
Independent variables | (1) NA—Total Sample | (2) NA—Men | (3) NA—Women | (4) PA—Total Sample | (5) PA—Men | (6) PA—Women | (7) CWB—Total Sample | (8) CWB—Men | (9)CWB—Women |
Age | −0.0101** | −0.00603 | −0.0122* | −0.00319 | −0.00348 | −0.00397 | 0.0204*** | 0.0255*** | 0.0133* |
(0.00340) | (0.00440) | (0.00518) | (0.00308) | (0.00417) | (0.00462) | (0.00405) | (0.00532) | (0.00626) | |
(Log) Monthly household net income in Euro | 0.0425 | 0.0306 | 0.0325 | 0.113** | 0.154* | 0.0758+ | 0.0765+ | 0.0921 | 0.0486 |
(0.0377) | (0.0520) | (0.0541) | (0.0370) | (0.0602) | (0.0453) | (0.0428) | (0.0633) | (0.0576) | |
Number of important people in regular contact | 0.00141 | −0.00181 | 0.00550 | 0.00638* | 0.00329 | 0.0101* | 0.000143 | −5.67e−05 | −6.26e−05 |
(0.00307) | (0.00412) | (0.00455) | (0.00271) | (0.00345) | (0.00430) | (0.00364) | (0.00472) | (0.00561) | |
Self−efficacy and optimism (HOPE Scale) | −0.295*** | −0.280*** | −0.293*** | 0.468*** | 0.438*** | 0.501*** | 0.646*** | 0.678*** | 0.603*** |
(0.0360) | (0.0515) | (0.0485) | (0.0314) | (0.0421) | (0.0473) | (0.0408) | (0.0509) | (0.0627) | |
Self−assessed health | 0.0280* | 0.0411* | 0.0111 | −0.0403** | −0.0365* | −0.0437* | −0.0145 | −0.0130 | −0.0136 |
(0.0139) | (0.0181) | (0.0207) | (0.0128) | (0.0165) | (0.0199) | (0.0171) | (0.0211) | (0.0273) | |
Health comparison: Much better (Ref.: The same) | 0.0187 | 0.0572 | −0.0304 | 0.0208 | −0.00338 | 0.0460 | 0.0669* | 0.0749 | 0.0671 |
(0.0280) | (0.0358) | (0.0433) | (0.0273) | (0.0356) | (0.0413) | (0.0339) | (0.0461) | (0.0498) | |
Health comparison: Somewhat better | 0.0186 | 0.0525+ | −0.0234 | −0.00148 | −0.0169 | 0.0139 | 0.00521 | 0.00284 | 0.0214 |
(0.0198) | (0.0274) | (0.0288) | (0.0177) | (0.0241) | (0.0266) | (0.0222) | (0.0298) | (0.0333) | |
Health comparison: Somewhat worse | 0.0625+ | 0.0331 | 0.102* | −0.0183 | −0.0689+ | 0.0273 | −0.0674+ | −0.0498 | −0.0920+ |
(0.0325) | (0.0422) | (0.0478) | (0.0303) | (0.0411) | (0.0436) | (0.0375) | (0.0540) | (0.0525) | |
Health comparison: Much worse | 0.0386 | −0.230 | 0.292** | −0.0712 | −0.0330 | −0.0933 | −0.341*** | −0.155 | −0.534*** |
(0.0979) | (0.153) | (0.104) | (0.0751) | (0.107) | (0.104) | (0.0967) | (0.133) | (0.129) | |
Morbidity (total number of physical diseases) | 0.0509*** | 0.0517*** | 0.0560*** | −0.00917 | −0.00731 | −0.0127 | −0.0196* | −0.0197+ | −0.0220+ |
(0.00738) | (0.00946) | (0.0112) | (0.00701) | (0.00871) | (0.0111) | (0.00870) | (0.0115) | (0.0130) | |
Constant | 2.754*** | 2.827*** | 3.394*** | 1.046** | 0.687 | 1.643*** | −0.0165 | −0.284 | 0.797 |
(0.383) | (0.569) | (0.496) | (0.361) | (0.547) | (0.465) | (0.450) | (0.669) | (0.569) | |
Observations | 8,277 | 4,277 | 3,996 | 8,276 | 4,276 | 3,996 | 8,277 | 4,276 | 3,997 |
Number of Individuals | 6,052 | 3,112 | 2,937 | 6,051 | 3,111 | 2,937 | 6,052 | 3,110 | 2,939 |
R2 | 0.094 | 0.103 | 0.117 | 0.165 | 0.164 | 0.177 | 0.189 | 0.215 | 0.174 |
Beta-Coefficients were reported; Cluster-robust standard errors in parentheses; Regressions are also controlled for region, marital status, and employment status;
p < 0.001,
p < 0.01,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.10;
Observations with missing values were dropped (listwise deletion). While CWB was measured by using the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), AWB (PA; NA) was quantified by using the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS).