Time-average (90 min) (A,C,E) and plasma concentrations (B,D,F) of glucose (mmol/L), NEFA (mmol/L), and leptin (ng/mL), respectively, pre (−60) and throughout the 120 min recovery period (n = 13). Vertical grey shaded area (B,D,F) represent the 60 min cycling bout. Values are presented as mean ± SEM. Values with unlike letters (a,b) denote significant difference between trials. White filled boxes () represent DBB, grey filled boxes () represent CHO, and black filled boxes () represent H2O. Significance at the p < 0.05 level. ϕ denotes significant difference between DBB and H2O; # denotes significant difference between CHO and H2O; * denotes significant difference between DBB and CHO.