Figure 1.
EphA4 deficiency impaired 4T1 stem‐like cancer cell growth niche. (A) cell morphology showed that 4T1 and 4T1‐ Expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein cells were clustered forming cell‐spheres rather than single layer of cells, which was considered stem‐like cells with high malignant potential. (B) the tumors dissected from six paired 5–7 week tumor‐bearing littermate mice (The upper lane: from EphA4‐WT tumor‐bearing control mice; the lower lane: from EphA4‐KO tumor‐bearing mice w/o IGF1 administration). (C) the tumors dissected from six paired 5–7 week tumor‐bearing littermate mice (The upper lane: from EphA4‐WT tumor‐bearing control mice; the lower lane: from EphA4‐KO tumor‐bearing mice with IGF1 administration). (D) statistical analysis showed significant difference of tumor weight between the paired EphA4‐KO w/o IGF1 treatment and WT‐control tumor‐bearing littermate mice. When treated with IGF1, EphA4‐KO mice showed significant weight gain of the primary tumors almost comparable to the WT level (WT: n = 12; KO: n = 6 of each treatment. Tukey's multiple comparison test). (E) there is no significant difference of tumor weight between control EphA4‐WT mice with saline treatment and that with IGF1 treatment.