Table 7.
Performance (domain-fully-irrelevant) of STL and transfer learning methods: BMCBasic and BNPTL. The symbol ↢ represents the transfer relationship: target ↢ source. Here ‘Other’ represents the six BN repository networks with the target removed.
Transfer Setting | STL | BMCBasic | BNPTL |
Asia ↢ Other | 0.85±0.18* | 0.34±0.02* | 0.19±0.03 |
Weather ↢ Other | 0.03±0.02 | 0.21±0.01* | 0.04±0.01 |
Cancer ↢ Other | 0.33±0.31 | 0.23±0.01* | 0.08±0.02 |
Alarm ↢ Other | 2.43±0.15 | 2.59±0.11* | 2.27±0.14 |
Insurance ↢ Other | 1.82±0.16 | 2.28±0.13* | 1.82±0.15 |
Hail.↢ Other | 2.85±0.03 | 3.12±0.03* | 2.86±0.03 |
Average Performance | 1.38±0.14 | 1.46±0.05 | 1.21±0.06 |