Figure 3. TRIM29 promotes NPC cell proliferation and tumorigenesis.
A. Western blot analysis of TRIM29 over-expression efficiency in S18-TRIM29 and 6-10B-TRIM29 cells at a protein level. B. MTT assay shows that TRIM29 over-expression in NPC cells promotes cell growth in S-18 and 6-10B cells. C. Assessment of clonogenic potentials of the TRIM29 over-expressing cells by counting colony numbers. A remarkable increase in colony numbers was observed in the S-18-TRIM29 and 6-10B-TRIM29 cells in comparison with control. Columns represent the mean value of 3 duplicates; bars represent standard deviation. ** indicates a statistical significance in difference between the indicated 2 bar values (p < 0.01). D. TRIM29 inhibits apoptosis in NPC cells. 6-10B and S-18 cells expressing empty vector or TRIM29 were collected and stained with PI and Annexin V.