a) Left: representative phase contrast images of imNSC1-
Efnb2 cells transduced with GFP- (Ad-GFP) or dominant negative N-Cadherin- adenoviruses (Ad-DN-Ncad) and cultured in soft agar for 10 days. Right: quantification of the percentage of cells forming colonies in soft agar. Error bars denote s.e.m. n = 3. (
b) Western analysis of ephrin-B2 levels in GSC2 transfected with scrambled (scr) or
Efnb2-specific (si
Efnb2) siRNAs, confirming efficiency of the knock-down. n = 2 (
c) Quantification of activated caspase3 positive cells in the indicated methylcellulose cultures. Values are expressed as percentage of total number of cells. See also
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1.