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. 2016 Apr 13;474(8):1755–1764. doi: 10.1007/s11999-016-4834-z

Table 1.

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of the study sample*

Variable Control
(n = 253)
(n = 240)
p value
Recruitment site, number (%) 0.696
 University of Pennsylvania 135 (53) 131 (55)
 University of Pittsburgh 16 (6) 19 (8)
 Philadelphia Veterans Administration 102 (40) 90 (38)
Demographic characteristics
 Age, years 61.14 ± 7.86 62.02 ± 8.09 0.224
 Sex, number of (%) men 124 (49) 118 (49) 0.973
 Number (%) with less than high school education 53 (21) 50 (21) 0.975
 Number (%) currently working 56 (22) 48 (20) 0.562
 Number (%) currently married 61 (24) 69 (29) 0.242
 Number (%) living alone 111 (44) 112 (47) 0.560
 Number (%) with annual household income less than USD 15,000 125 (54) 109 (49) 0.357
Clinical characteristics
 WOMAC 59.51 ± 13.21 58.69 ± 14.16 0.510
 Arthritis Self-Efficacy pain 25.31 ± 10.28 26.43 ± 10.19 0.231
 Arthritis Self-Efficacy function 52.21 ± 18.25 55.28 ± 17.99 0.061
 Charlson comorbidity index 3.33 ± 2.22 3.07 ± 2.05 0.182
 SF-12® Physical Component 31.00 ± 9.79 32.58 ± 9.79 0.085
 SF-12® Mental Component 45.96 ± 8.99 46.19 ± 8.47 0.775
Number (%) willing to undergo TKA§ 170 (67) 164 (69) 0.634

*Except where indicated otherwise, values are mean ± SD; t-tests for continuous variables, chi-square tests for categorical variables; there were slight variations in the number of patients who provided information for some of the demographic characteristics. Most had two or fewer patients missing data. The income variable had the highest number of patients with missing data (39 subjects did not provide responses); §willingness to undergo TKA = willing if participant response was “probably willing” or “definitely willing”.