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. 2016 Jun 28;353:i3305. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i3305

Table 1.

Discontinuation of statin treatment in primary prevention group. Descriptive statistics shown for all included patients, patients who continued, patients who discontinued, and patients who restarted statin treatment. Data are No (%) of patients unless stated otherwise. SD=standard deviation

Initiated (n=431 023) Continued (n=226 401) Discontinued (n=204 622) Restarted (n=147 305)
Age at study entry
 <45 years 31 290 (7.3) 12 303 (5.4) 18 987 (9.3) 14 627 (9.9)
 45-54 years 77 770 (18.0) 37 191 (16.4) 40 579 (19.8) 31 203 (21.2)
 55-64 years 140 042 (32.5) 76 395 (33.7) 63 647 (31.1) 47 593 (32.3)
 65-74 years 129 429 (30.0) 72 574 (32.1) 56 855 (27.8) 39 366 (26.7)
 75-84 years 52 492 (12.2) 27 938 (12.3) 24 554 (12.0) 14 516 (9.9)
 Mean (SD; years) 61.7 (11.0) 62.5 (10.4) 60.8 (11.6) 59.9 (11.4)
 Men 225 732 (52.4) 120 423 (53.2) 105 309 (51.5) 77 786 (52.8)
 Women 205 291 (47.6) 105 978 (46.8) 99 313 (48.5) 69 519 (47.2)
 Ethnicity recorded 277 935 (64.5) 144 238 (63.7) 133 697 (65.3) 96 516 (65.5)
 White or not recorded 415 392 (96.4) 220 234 (97.3) 195 158 (95.4) 139 549 (94.7)
 Indian 4306 (1.0) 1730 (0.8) 2576 (1.3) 2160 (1.5)
 Pakistani 1786 (0.4) 672 (0.3) 1114 (0.5) 944 (0.6)
 Bangladeshi 642 (0.1) 265 (0.1) 377 (0.2) 319 (0.2)
 Other Asian 1881 (0.4) 783 (0.3) 1098 (0.5) 884 (0.6)
 Black African 1358 (0.3) 457 (0.2) 901 (0.4) 721 (0.5)
 Black Caribbean 1882 (0.4) 633 (0.3) 1249 (0.6) 1044 (0.7)
 Chinese 619 (0.1) 283 (0.1) 336 (0.2) 257 (0.2)
 Other ethnic group 3157 (0.7) 1344 (0.6) 1813 (0.9) 1427 (1.0)
Smoking status
 Patients with smoking status recorded 430 792 (99.9) 226 287 (99.9) 204 505 (99.9) 147 254 (100)
 Non-smoker 213 066 (49.4) 112 101 (49.5) 100 965 (49.3) 72 160 (49.0)
 Ex-smoker 132 685 (30.8) 73 179 (32.3) 59 506 (29.1) 42 114 (28.6)
 Light smoker 17 462 (4.1) 8636 (3.8) 8826 (4.3) 6569 (4.5)
 Moderate smoker 45 214 (10.5) 22 087 (9.8) 23 127 (11.3) 17 189 (11.7)
 Heavy smoker 22 365 (5.2) 10 284 (4.5) 12 081 (5.9) 9222 (6.3)
Clinical measurements
 Patients with body mass index recorded 419 303 (97.3) 220 599 (97.4) 198 704 (97.1) 143 475 (97.4)
 Body mass index (mean (SD)) 28.9 (5.5) 29.0 (5.5) 28.8 (5.5) 29.0 (5.5)
 Patients with systolic blood pressure recorded 430 891 (100) 226 358 (100) 204 533 (100) 147 264 (100)
 Systolic blood pressure (mean (SD)) 141.0 (18.3) 141.5 (18.2) 140.5 (18.5) 140.5 (18.4)
 Patients with ratio recorded 283 855 (65.9) 152 720 (67.5) 131 135 (64.1) 92 820 (63.0)
 Total cholesterol:high density lipoprotein ratio (mean (SD)) 4.4 (1.5) 4.3 (1.5) 4.5 (1.5) 4.5 (1.5)
Chronic conditions
 Rheumatoid arthritis 6684 (1.6) 3459 (1.5) 3225 (1.6) 2256 (1.5)
 Chronic renal disease 2916 (0.7) 1413 (0.6) 1503 (0.7) 1039 (0.7)
 Liver disease 2017 (0.5) 988 (0.4) 1029 (0.5) 708 (0.5)
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 15 294 (3.5) 8266 (3.7) 7028 (3.4) 4766 (3.2)
 Cancer 32 365 (7.5) 17 551 (7.8) 14 814 (7.2) 9670 (6.6)
 Atrial fibrillation 13 754 (3.2) 8043 (3.6) 5711 (2.8) 3641 (2.5)
 Hypertension 217 632 (50.5) 122 573 (54.1) 95 059 (46.5) 68 418 (46.4)
 Heart failure 5078 (1.2) 2954 (1.3) 2124 (1.0) 1338 (0.9)
 Type 1 diabetes 9960 (2.3) 4420 (2.0) 5540 (2.7) 4632 (3.1)
 Type 2 diabetes 100 848 (23.4) 56 338 (24.9) 44 510 (21.8) 35 359 (24.0)
 Dementia 1629 (0.4) 990 (0.4) 639 (0.3) 282 (0.2)
Genetic characteristics
 Family history of premature coronary heart disease 30 734 (7.1) 16 158 (7.1) 14 576 (7.1) 10 731 (7.3)
 Familial hypercholesterolaemia 1364 (0.3) 699 (0.3) 665 (0.3) 504 (0.3)
Use of other treatments
 Aspirin 102 743 (23.8) 54 467 (24.1) 48 276 (23.6) 33 316 (22.6)
 Anticoagulants 11 906 (2.8) 7030 (3.1) 4876 (2.4) 3150 (2.1)
 No of other non-cardiovascular treatments 2.0 (1.6) 2.0 (1.6) 2.1 (1.6) 2.0 (1.6)
QRISK2 score
 0-4% 30 062 (7.0) 11 473 (5.1) 18 589 (9.1) 13 368 (9.1)
 5-9% 54 066 (12.5) 25 802 (11.4) 28 264 (13.8) 21 032 (14.3)
 10-14% 59 495 (13.8) 30 897 (13.6) 28 598 (14.0) 21 279 (14.4)
 15-19% 58 358 (13.5) 31 541 (13.9) 26 817 (13.1) 19 877 (13.5)
 20-24% 52 020 (12.1) 28 629 (12.6) 23 391 (11.4) 17 124 (11.6)
 25-99% 177 022 (41.1) 98 059 (43.3) 78 963 (38.6) 54 625 (37.1)
 Mean (SD; %) 24.5 (16.2) 25.4 (16.0) 23.5 (16.4) 22.9 (16.0)
Townsend score (patient based)
 Patients with data recorded 266 055 (61.7) 139 487 (61.6) 126 568 (61.9) 91 036 (61.8)
 Group 1 (most affluent) 65 226 (15.1) 34 761 (15.4) 30 465 (14.9) 21 580 (14.6)
 Group 2 62 581 (14.5) 33 141 (14.6) 29 440 (14.4) 20 684 (14.0)
 Group 3 54 715 (12.7) 28 522 (12.6) 26 193 (12.8) 18 666 (12.7)
 Group 4 50 631 (11.7) 26 496 (11.7) 24 135 (11.8) 17 653 (12.0)
 Group 5 (most deprived) 32 902 (7.6) 16 567 (7.3) 16 335 (8.0) 12 453 (8.5)
Townsend score (practice based)
 Group 1 (most affluent) 77 164 (17.9) 40 086 (17.7) 37 078 (18.1) 26 508 (18.0)
 Group 2 81 744 (19.0) 42 737 (18.9) 39 007 (19.1) 28 114 (19.1)
 Group 3 87 529 (20.3) 46 375 (20.5) 41 154 (20.1) 29 242 (19.9)
 Group 4 94 933 (22.0) 49 729 (22.0) 45 204 (22.1) 32 570 (22.1)
 Group 5 (most deprived) 89 653 (20.8) 47 474 (21.0) 42 179 (20.6) 30 871 (21.0)
Statin use at baseline
 Simvastatin 342 384 (79.4) 181 249 (80.1) 161 135 (78.7) 114 281 (77.6)
 Atorvastatin 69 854 (16.2) 35 655 (15.7) 34 199 (16.7) 25 975 (17.6)
 Pravastatin 9408 (2.2) 4767 (2.1) 4641 (2.3) 3505 (2.4)
 Rosuvastatin 7937 (1.8) 4014 (1.8) 3923 (1.9) 2985 (2.0)
 Fluvastatin 1440 (0.3) 716 (0.3) 724 (0.4) 559 (0.4)
Statin dose at baseline (potency units)
 Less than 1 51 830 (12.0) 25 929 (11.5) 25 901 (12.7) 18 969 (12.9)
 One 183 541 (42.6) 94 815 (41.9) 88 726 (43.4) 65 015 (44.1)
 Two 190 623 (44.2) 103 025 (45.5) 87 598 (42.8) 61 613 (41.8)
 Three and more 5029 (1.2) 2632 (1.2) 2397 (1.2) 1708 (1.2)