Figure 2. MYB-regulated gene networks predicted using Ingenuity Pathway analysis.
The top three networks enriched for genes with statistically significant interconnection between the molecules present in our dataset have been presented. The highest scoring network was: (A) Network 1: the connected genes correlated to RNA post-transcriptional modification, molecular transport and RNA trafficking (score = 54, focus molecules = 34) functions followed by (B) Network 2: genes are mainly involved in cellular assembly and organization (score = 49, focus molecules = 32) with EGFR occupying a central node, and (C) Network 3: genes engaged in cell cycle, DNA replication, recombination and repair (score = 41, focus molecules = 29). The NF-κB complex is one of the central node downregulated in this network. The legend explaining the edge type and node shape are given in the bottom right panel. Direct regulatory relationships are represented by solid lines and indirect regulatory networks by dashed lines as depicted in the legend.