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. 2016 Jun 29;6:28755. doi: 10.1038/srep28755

Table 1. Overview of the 37 cases with clinical diagnosis and most likely disease-causing variants.

S. No. Case No. Year of birth Gender Clinical Diagnosis Gene Mutation (s) Zygosity HGMD Accession
1 71134 1980 M Cone dystrophy ABCA4 NM_000350.2:c.5882G>A:p.Gly1961Glu; NM_000350.2:c.1804C>T:p.Arg602Trp Compound Heterozygous CM970016 and CM990025
2 71472 1975 F Retinitis pigmentosa ABCA4 NM_000350.2:c.4873C>T:p.His1625Tyr Homozygous This study
3 71522 1990 M Cone dystrophy ABCA4 NM_000350.2:c.5882G>A:p.Gly1961Glu; NM_000350.2:c.5461–10T>C Compound Heterozygous CM970016 and CS057513
4 71674 2003 F Retinal dystrophy DD: Retinitis pigmentosa ABCA4 NM_000350.2:c.1988G>A:p.Trp663*; NM_000350.2:c.2160+1G>T Compound Heterozygous CM003370 and this study
5 71876 1967 F Stargardt disease ABCA4 NM_000350.2:c.5381C>A:p.Ala1794Asp; NM_000350.2:c.2401G>A:p.Ala801Thr Compound Heterozygous CM990063 and CM070632
6 71927 1989 F Macular dystrophy ABCA4 NM_000350.2:c.5882G>A:p.Gly1961Glu; NM_000350.2:c.2041C>T:p.Arg681* Compound Heterozygous CM970016 and CM990029
7 71882 1989 M Stargardt disease ABCA4 NM_000350.2:c.6122G>A:p.Gly2041Asp; NM_000350.2:c.5882G>A:p.Gly1961Glu Compound Heterozygous CM087709 and CM970016
8 70052 1983 M Retinitis pigmentosa C2orf71 NM_001029883.1:c.1949G>A:p.Trp650* Homozygous This study
9 71688 1967 M Retinitis pigmentosa C2orf71 NM_001029883.2:c.947del:p.Asn316Metfs*7; NM_001029883.2:c.1709_1728del:p.Gly570Glufs*3 Compound Heterozygous CD102940 and this study
10 29870 1969 F Retinitis pigmentosa C2orf71 NM_001029883.2:c.1709_1728del:p.Gly570Glufs*3 Homozygous This study
11 71703 1991 M Cone-rod dystrophy C2orf71 NM_001029883.2:c.2227_2228del:p.Leu744Glufs*7; NM_001029883.2:c.1709_1728del:p.Gly570Glufs*3 Compound Heterozygous This study
12 71918 1983 F Retinitis pigmentosa C2orf71 NM_001029883.2:c.3002G>A:p.Trp1001* Homozygous CM113611
13 71471 2004 F Retinitis pigmentosa RP1 NM_006269.1:c.1625C>G:p.Ser542* Homozygous CM1211361
14 71728 1959 M Retinitis pigmentosa RP1 NM_006269.1:c.2613dup:p.Arg872Thrfs*2 Heterozygous CI004598
15 28865 1960 M Retinitis pigmentosa RP1 NM_006269.1:c.2613dup:p.Arg872Thrfs*2 Heterozygous CI004598
16 24058 1946 F Retinitis pigmentosa RP1 NM_006269.1:c.2613dup:p.Arg872Thrfs*2 Heterozygous CI004598
17 71192 1977 M Retinal dystrophy RPGR NM_001034853.1:c.2143_2144dup:p.Glu716Glyfs*100 Hemizygous This study
18 71762 2000 F Retinitis pigmentosa RPGR NM_001034853.1:c.2008_2017del:p.Gln670Argfs*24 Heterozygous This study
19 72007 1992 M Retinitis pigmentosa RPGR NM_001034853.1:c.2236_2237del:p.Glu746Argfs*23 Hemizygous CD004113
20 13730 1951 F Retinitis pigmentosa CEP290 NM_025114.3:c.2991+1655A>G; NM_025114.3:c.5668G>T:p.Gly1890* Compound Heterozygous CS064383 and CM061683
21 30421 2008 M Leber Congenital Amaurosis CEP290 NM_025114.3:c.2991+1655A>G; NM_025114.3:c.6604del:p.Ile2202Leufs*24 Compound Heterozygous CS064383 and CD072355
22 71315 2006 M Retinitis pigmentosa FLVCR1 NM_014053.2:c.1092 + 5G>A; NM_014053.2:c.479T>C:p.Leu160Pro Compound Heterozygous CS140551 and this study
23 29303 1979 F Retinitis pigmentosa FLVCR1 NM_014053.2:c.1092 + 5G>A Homozygous CS140551
24 71133 2011 F Leber Congenital Amaurosis CRB1 NM_201253.2:c.2230C>T:p.Arg744* Homozygous This study
25 71161 2009 F Leber Congenital Amaurosis CRB1 NM_201253.2:c.547T>C:p.Cys183Arg; NM_201253.2:c.2687G>C:p.Cys896Ser Compound Heterozygous This study
26 70946 1980 F Best macular dystrophy BEST1 NM_001139443.1:c.404C>T:p.Ala135Val Homozygous CM004430
27 70559 1991 M Best macular dystrophy BEST1 NM_001139443.1:c.548C>T:p.Ala183Val Heterozygous CM000841
28 71583 1971 F Retinal dystrophy FAM161A NM_001201543.1:c.1807G>T:p.Glu603* Homozygous This study
29 71749 1990 F Retinitis pigmentosa USH2A NM_206933.2:c.15020C>T:p.Pro5007Leu; NM_206933.2:c.8522G>A:p.Trp2841* Compound Heterozygous This study
30 30806 1998 F Bardet-Biedl Syndrome BBS2 NM_031885.3:c.1237C>T:p.Arg413*; NM_031885.3:c.241G>T:p.Gly81Cys Compound Heterozygous CM033336 and CM114523
31 27419 1992 M Usher syndrome HARS NM_002109.5:c.410G>A:p.Arg137Gln; NM_002109.5:c.262G>A:p.Gly88Ser Compound Heterozygous CM130192 and this study
32 25939 1978 M Retinitis pigmentosa PDE6B NM_000283.3:c.810C>A:p.Cys270*; NM_000283.3:c.811G>A:p.Glu271Lys Compound Heterozygous CM962548 and this study
33 71868 2003 M Retinitis pigmentosa DD: Retinal dystrophy RDH12 NM_152443.2:c.193C>T:p.Arg65*; NM_152443.2:c.806_810del:p.Ala269Glyfs*2 Compound Heterozygous CM054831 and CD042224
34 71808 1960 M Retinitis pigmentosa EYS NM_001292009.1:c.8713T>G:p.Cys2905Gly; NM_001292009.1:c.8269G>C: p.Ala2757Pro Compound Heterozygous This study
35 71094 1974 M Cone-rod dystrophy PROM1 NM_006017.2:c.380G>A:p.Gly127Glu Homozygous This study
36 71718 1983 F Stargardt disease ELOVL4 NM_022726.3:c.810C>G:p.Tyr270* Heterozygous CM045143
37 71780 1979 M Macular dystrophy RP1L1 NM_178857.5:c.1138G>A:p.Gly380Arg Heterozygous This study

DD: Differential diagnosis.