Figure 4. Comparison of D-PSR against conventional demosaicing for wavelength-multiplexed digital holographic color imaging.
(a) Conventional demosaicing generates color artifacts at holographic fringes, which are avoided in D-PSR. (b,e) Multi-height phase retrieval based hologram reconstruction from 4 heights using conventional demosaicing. A single hologram is captured under multi-wavelength illumination at each height. (c,f) Multi-height phase retrieval based hologram reconstruction from 4 heights using D-PSR. 6 × 6 sub-pixel shifted holograms are captured under multi-wavelength illumination at each height. (d,g) Microscope images of the same regions of interest using a 40×, 0.75 NA objective-lens. (b–d) correspond to a stained Pap smear sample. (e–g) correspond to a stained breast cancer tissue sample. Bilinear demosaicing is used in (a,b,e).