Graphic summaries of replication data following 5 µM etoposide. (A) C33a cells were transfected with 1 µg pOriLacZ, 1 µg E1 and 1 µg E2, in the presence or absence of 5 µM etoposide. Seventy two hours post-transfection, low molecular weight DNA was harvested, digested with DpnI and ExoIII, and the levels of pOriLacZ were monitored via qPCR. Data are from three replicative experiments and presented as the fold replication of pOriLacZ. (B) Additional DNA was harvested and DpnI digested; DNA was then electroporated into DH10B E. coli and plated onto agar plates containing kanamycin and β-galactosidase. Data are presented as the fold of colony formation. (C) The total number of colonies was counted and compared to the total number of light blue/white colonies observed, and data are presented as percent mutation. (D) White colonies were then picked, plasmid DNA was prepared, digested with BamHI and resolved on an agarose gel; data are presented as the percent of recombination events observed. ** p < 0.001; *** p < 0.0001.