Mitochondrial transport is normal in kbpst23 mutant pLL axons between 24 and 32 hpf. A, B, Wild-type and kbpst23 mutant neurod:egfp transgenic zebrafish embryos at 48 hpf. pLL axons have fully extended by this time point in wild-types but fail to do so in kbpst23 mutants. Arrows point to the pLL nerve; arrowhead indicates the end of the pLL nerve. Scale bar, 100 μm. C, D, Stills from imaging sessions showing anterograde transport in individual axons. Arrowheads point to an individual mitochondria moving in a wild-type (C) and kbpst23 mutant (D) axon. E, F, Kymographs representing wild-type (E) and kbpst23 mutant (F) mitochondrial transport. E′, F′, Schematic of wild-type and kbpst23 mutant kymographs illustrating anterograde (black) and retrograde (gray) traces. G, Distance of transport [ANOVA; Anterograde (Ant): p = 0.9662, Retrograde (Ret): p = 0.9704], (H) velocity of movement (ANOVA; Ant: p = 0.2315, Ret: p = 0.5849), (I) mitochondrial transport frequency (ANOVA; Total: p = 0.7952, Ant: p = 0.2558, Ret: p = 0.2766), and (J) mitochondria population dynamics are similar between wild-type and kbpst23 mutants during axon extension. Numbers on graphs indicate sample size. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Scale bars, 10 μm.