Fig. 1.
ZNF804A allelic specific expression in DLPFC. Individual data points represent the A/T allele ratio at the expressed rs12476147 SNP. The cDNA ratios for all subjects, and cDNA ratios for the separate groups, rs1344706 homozygotes and rs1344706 heterozygotes, are shown. The mean value for each distribution is also indicated by a horizontal bar. cDNA allele ratios are significantly higher than genomic DNA allele ratios (Guella et al., 2014) (a**, p-value < 0.0002) while there is a significant difference in cDNA allele ratios between rs1344706 SNP homozygotes (n = 17) and heterozygotes (n = 27) for the expressed A/T allele ratio (b*, p-value = 0.014). The heterozygous risk allele showed the highest expression of A/T rs1344706 (c**, p < 0.00002).