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. 2015 May 28;16:1011–1021. doi: 10.1007/s10113-015-0815-0

Table 1.

Provincial averages of values for ecosystem services, values are presented in terms of physical quantities and monetary values

Ecosystem services Provincial average
Physical quantity Monetary value
Newly planted oil palm (0–4 years) 3.6 ton/ha/yearc Resource rent of € −646/ha/year (on mineral soil) and € −924/ha/year (on peat soil) reflecting costs for establishing the plantationsc
FFB production of young oil palm (0–9 years) 15.2 ton/ha/yearc Resource rent of € 761/ha/year (on mineral soil) and € 509/ha/year (on peat soil)c
FFB production of mature oil palm (0–20 years) 24 ton/ha/yearc Resource rent of € 1770/ha/year (on mineral soil) and € 1571/ha/year (on peat soil)c
Timber production 0.86 m3/ha/yeara Resource rent of € 35/m3b
Rattan production 0.79 ton/ha/yeara,e Resource rent of €104/tonb
Paddy rice production 2.2 ton/ha/yeara Resource rent of € 130/tonb
Carbon sequestration Detailed information in Appendix 1 a Social cost of C of € 88/ton Cb
Orangutan habitat Habitat suitability map of orangutana Not assessedd

aSumarga and Hein (2014); b Sumarga et al. (2015); c Sumarga et al. (2015) with an assumed increase in productivity of 20 %, the negative resource rent reflect the costs of establishing the oil palm plantations including costs for land preparation, planting and plantation maintenance; d not assessed due to methodological difficulties, see explanation in the text; e rattans, dominated by Calamus manan and Calamus caesius, are planted in secondary forest with a typical maximum distance of 25 km from settlements and 4 km from rivers