Table 1.
Ecosystem services | Provincial average | |
Physical quantity | Monetary value | |
Newly planted oil palm (0–4 years) | 3.6 ton/ha/yearc | Resource rent of € −646/ha/year (on mineral soil) and € −924/ha/year (on peat soil) reflecting costs for establishing the plantationsc |
FFB production of young oil palm (0–9 years) | 15.2 ton/ha/yearc | Resource rent of € 761/ha/year (on mineral soil) and € 509/ha/year (on peat soil)c |
FFB production of mature oil palm (0–20 years) | 24 ton/ha/yearc | Resource rent of € 1770/ha/year (on mineral soil) and € 1571/ha/year (on peat soil)c |
Timber production | 0.86 m3/ha/yeara | Resource rent of € 35/m3b |
Rattan production | 0.79 ton/ha/yeara,e | Resource rent of €104/tonb |
Paddy rice production | 2.2 ton/ha/yeara | Resource rent of € 130/tonb |
Carbon sequestration | Detailed information in Appendix 1 | a Social cost of C of € 88/ton Cb |
Orangutan habitat | Habitat suitability map of orangutana | Not assessedd |
aSumarga and Hein (2014); b Sumarga et al. (2015); c Sumarga et al. (2015) with an assumed increase in productivity of 20 %, the negative resource rent reflect the costs of establishing the oil palm plantations including costs for land preparation, planting and plantation maintenance; d not assessed due to methodological difficulties, see explanation in the text; e rattans, dominated by Calamus manan and Calamus caesius, are planted in secondary forest with a typical maximum distance of 25 km from settlements and 4 km from rivers