Fig. 5.
Resting state functional connectivity and structural connectivity (tractography) for functional peaks identified for hard semantic judgements in a key executive region (− 42 28 16, inferior frontal sulcus — IFS, in red) and easy semantic judgements in a region linked to semantic representation (− 48 2 − 38, anterior temporal lobe — ATL, in blue). The conjunction for the two connectivity patterns is displayed in green. All contrasts and conjunctions are cluster corrected to control for multiple comparisons (inclusion threshold z = 2.3, cluster significance = p < .05). The left-hand column shows the seed regions, columns 2 and 3 show resting state connectivity and white matter (WM) fibre tracts identified using diffusion MRI for each seed and their overlap are displayed on the right. We present the spatial maps from the Noonan et al. (2013) meta-analysis and from the prior PPI analysis to facilitate visual comparison of these three networks. Note the colour bar does not refer to the DTI Images which were corrected using randomise and are presented as fully saturated maps.