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. 2014 Jul 27;40(2):303–311. doi: 10.1007/s12639-014-0501-z

Table 2.

Binary logistic regression for possible predictors of P. falciparum infection among children in Ghana

Variables (number) P. falciparum infection OR (95 % CI) P value
Yes (105) No (45)
Male gender
 Yes (67) 51 16 0.58 (0.28–1.20) 0.142
 No (83) 54 29 Ref.
Age (SD) 4.69 (3.11) 3.96 (3.02) 1.09 (0.96–1.22) 0.19
Age group 0.617
 0–3 (67) 44 23 0.55 (0.11–0.25) 0.473
 4–7 (58) 17 41 0.69 (0.13–3.67) 0.662
 8–11 (16) 3 13 1.24 (0.17–9.25) 0.832
 ≥12 (9) 2 7 Ref.
Patient characteristicsa
 Respiratory distress
  Yes (57) 55 2 23.65 (5.44–102.71) <0.001
  No (93) 50 43 Ref.
  Yes (81) 68 13 4.52 (2.12–9.66) <0.001
  No (69) 37 32 Ref.
  Yes (15) 15 0
  No (135) 90 45
  Yes (89) 89 0
  No (61) 16 45
  Yes (150) 105 45
  No (0) 0 0
  Yes (28) 28 0
  No (122) 77 45
  Yes (54) 54 0
  No (96) 51 45
Haematological parameters
 Haemoglobin (SD) × g/dl 10.00 (2.43) 11.08 (1.39) 0.77 (0.64–0.93) 0.007
   Yes (80) 67 13 4.34 (2.04–9.26) 0.0001
   No (70) 38 32 Ref.
 TWBC (SD) × 103/µL 9.17 (6.25) 8.85(4.95) 1.01 (0.95–1.07) 0.756
   Yes (6) 4 2 0.83 (0.15–4.72) 0.835
   No (144) 101 43 Ref.
 Neutrophil count (SD) × 103/µL 6.29 (1.73) 4.98 (2.01) 1.04 (1.01–1.06) <0.001
   Yes (0) 0 0
   No (150) 105 45
 Lymphocyte count (SD) × 103/µL 3.81 (1.72) 5.01 (2.03) 0.965 (0.945–0.984) <0.001
   Yes (27) 23 4 2.87 (0.93–8.86) 0.066
   No (123) 82 41 Ref.

OR (95 % CI) odds ratio at 95 % confidence interval, SD standard deviation, TWBC total white blood cell count, Ref. reference group

aPhysician identified patient characteristics based on WHO, sever falciparum report, 2009

Data are presented as the absolute number of children with the exception of age, haemoglobin, TWBC, neutrophil counts, and lymphocyte counts which are listed as mean values with SD, ORs are unavailable for continuous variables or categorical variables with no events in one or more cells, Respiratory distress, presence of alar flaring, intercostals or subcostal chest recession, use of accessory muscles of respiration, or abnormally deep respiration; Prostration, inability to sit or drink/eat, although normally able to do so