Figure 4. Metastasis from orthotopic site is enhanced by VHL knockout.
RC and RVN cells were implanted under the kidney capsule of Nu/J mice. Animals were sacrificed at four weeks following implantation. (a) Representative bioluminescent images at day of endpoint are shown. Primary tumours (b) and lungs (c) were weighed and quantified for the two groups. (d) H&E stains are shown from primary tumour and whole lung. (e) Immunostaining for VHL in representative RC and RVN primary tumours shown at 20X. (f) 4X H&E representative images of RC and RVN lung nodules. (g) Lung nodules were counted and quantified. Gene expression of Cas9 (h) and eGFP (i) in the peripheral blood was assessed as a measure of circulating tumour cells. n = 3–4 animals per group for weights and RT-PCR, n = 6–8 per group for lung nodule counts *denotes p < 0.05.