Anatomical features of the stem, plant height, stem width, leaf size and microfibril angle in 120-day-old WT and transgenic poplars expressing sense or antisense PdRanBP. For the morphological analyses, the stem base diameter was measured 5 cm above the soil surface using digital callipers. The values are the mean ± standard error (SE) of measurements from three plants. The asterisks indicate significant differences from the wild-type (*P < 0.05). WT: wild-type poplar; WT1: control of PdRanBP-OE poplar; WT2: control for the PdRanBP-DR poplar; G9, G10 and G15: PdRanBP-OE poplar lines; GA106, GA515 and GA516: PdRanBP-DR poplar lines. a The width of the xylem (left panel) and number of xylem cell layers (right panel) in PdRanBP-OE, PdRanBP-DR and control lines. The measurements were made at the 15th internode. b The width of the phloem (left panel) and number of phloem cell layers (right panel) in the PdRanBP-OE, PdRanBP-DR and control lines. c The width of the cambium (left panel) and number of cambium cell layers (right panel) in the PdRanBP-OE, PdRanBP-DR and control lines. d The average internode length (left panel) and the xylem:phloem width ratio (right panel) in PdRanBP-OE, PdRanBP-DR and control lines. The average internode length (cm) was calculated by dividing the total height by the total number of nodes. e, f The PdRanBP-DR lines were taller and had wider stems at every fifth node from the apex. g A comparison of leaf size in 120-day-old transgenic poplars. Leaf length (left panel) and width (right panel) measurements were performed at the 5th to 30th nodes to compare fully expanded leaves. The values are the mean ± standard error (SE) of 10 leaves. (H) Analysis of the microfibril angle (MFA) in PdRanBP transgenic poplar plants. The PdRanBP-DR poplar lines had lower MFAs than the control line