Microbial, metabolic and physicochemical changes during pulque fermentation. Proposed microbial, physicochemical and metabolic changes during pulque fermentation as described by Escalante et al. (2008). (A) Total CFU/mL counts for yeasts; (B) Total mesophilic aerobes (TMA); (C) LAB determined during 6 h fermentation in laboratory; (D) Sugar consumption expressed as mM hexose equivalent; (E) Fermentation products (ethanol, lactic acid, and acetic acid) expressed as mM C; (F) Cultivable diversity (% of four most abundant isolates); (G) Culture-independent diversity (% of four most abundant 16S rDNA clones); (H) Scanning electron micrograph corresponding to pulque fermentation after 6 h showing some yeast and short cocci chains (T6) (non-previously published photograph); (I)
Aguamiel accumulated in cajete; (J) Fermented pulque. AM, aguamiel, T0, T3, and T6, the start of the fermentation, 3 and 6 h of cultivation, respectively. Ama, Acetobacter malorum; Ara, Acinetobacter radioresistens; Eag, Enterobacter aglomerans; Erh, Erwinia rhapontici; Ent, Enterobacter sp.; Kas, Kluyvera ascorbata; Lbh, homofermentative Lactobacillus sp.; Lbs. Lactobacillus sp.; Lac, L. acidophilus; Lla, Lactococcus lactis; Lme, Leuconostoc mesenteroides; Lci, L. citreum; Lki, L. kimchi; Sce, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Zmo, Zymomonas mobilis; Uba, Uncultured bacterial clone.