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. 2016 Jun 30;11(6):e0157110. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157110

Table 1. Description of variables included in index construction.

Indicator Brief Rationale
ANC visit in 1st Trimester A minimum of 4 ANC visits are recommended for all women; one in each of the 1st and 2nd trimesters, and two in the 3rd trimester
ANC visit in 2nd Trimester
ANC visits in 3rd Trimester
Weight measured during ANC In order to detect and appropriately treat issues that may affect maternal health, it is recommended that several diagnostic tests be undertaken as parts of ANC. Additionally Indonesian government guidelines specify that women should receive a “MNCH book” to keep track of health visits
Height measured during ANC
Blood Pressure measured during ANC
Urine sample taken during ANC
Blood sample taken during ANC
Stomach examined during ANC
Consultation during ANC
Received MNCH book during ANC
Iron Supplementation during pregnancy Appropriate preventative care may reduce both mortality and morbidity due to anaemia and tetanus infection
Tetanus Immunisation
Pregnancy complication Advice In order to prevent delays in care, women should be counselled about potential symptoms of pregnancy complications and the need for an appropriate birth plan.
Discussed place of delivery during pregnancy
Discussed transportation to place of delivery during pregnancy
Discussed who would assist delivery during pregnancy
Discussed payment for delivery during pregnancy
Discussed possible blood donor during pregnancy
Baby was weighed at birth Both maternal and neonatal health should be checked immediately following birth, and regularly thereafter. These checks should be used identify and treat potential complications as well as providing appropriate health advice and preventative care.
Baby was breastfed within 1 hr of birth
No liquids given before milk began to flow (no prelacteal feed)
Maternal postnatal check
Neonatal postnatal check
Postpartum Vitamin A within 2 months of delivery