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. 2016 Jun 30;11(6):e0157110. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157110

Table 3. Summary of Initial Indicator Categorisation and Means.

Indicator Categories Indicator Set Mean [95% Conf. Interval]
ANC visit in 1st Trimester DHS 0.7586 0.7517 0.7655
ANC visit in 2nd Trimester Indonesia 0.8990 0.8942 0.9039
ANC visits in 3rd Trimester 1 Indonesia 0.0094 0.0079 0.0110
2 0.8459 0.8401 0.8517
None 0.1447 0.1391 0.1504
Weight measured during ANC Indonesia 0.8932 0.8883 0.8982
Height measured during ANC Indonesia 0.4395 0.4315 0.4475
Blood Pressure measured during ANC DHS 0.9087 0.9041 0.9133
Urine sample taken during ANC DHS 0.4131 0.4052 0.4210
Blood sample taken during ANC DHS 0.3919 0.3840 0.3997
Stomach examined during ANC Indonesia 0.9378 0.9340 0.9417
Consultation during ANC Indonesia 0.7910 0.7844 0.7975
Received MNCH book during ANC Indonesia 0.7746 0.7679 0.7813
Iron Supplementation during pregnancy 1–29 days DHS 0.2042 0.1977 0.2107
30–89 days 0.2548 0.2478 0.2619
90–179 days 0.1204 0.1151 0.1256
180–269 days 0.1015 0.0967 0.1064
270+ days 0.0480 0.0445 0.0514
None 0.2711 0.2640 0.2783
Tetanus Immunisation Full Protection DHS 0.6154 0.6076 0.6232
Partial Protection 0.1699 0.1638 0.1759
None 0.2147 0.2081 0.2213
Pregnancy complication Advice Symptoms only DHS 0.0237 0.0212 0.0261
Symptoms and Help 0.4649 0.4569 0.4729
None 0.5114 0.5034 0.5195
Discussed place of delivery during pregnancy Indonesia 0.7879 0.7814 0.7945
Discussed transportation to place of delivery during pregnancy Indonesia 0.5779 0.5700 0.5858
Discussed who would assist delivery during pregnancy Indonesia 0.7863 0.7797 0.7929
Discussed payment for delivery during pregnancy Indonesia 0.7432 0.7362 0.7502
Discussed possible blood donor during pregnancy Indonesia 0.1590 0.1532 0.1649
Baby was weighed at birth DHS 0.8702 0.8648 0.8756
Baby was breastfed within 1 hr of birth DHS 0.4826 0.4746 0.4907
No liquids given before milk began to flow (no prelacteal feed) DHS 0.3786 0.3708 0.3864
Maternal postnatal check <2hrs DHS 0.4732 0.4651 0.4812
3–12 hrs 0.1792 0.1730 0.1853
13-24hrs 0.1142 0.1091 0.1194
25-48hrs 0.0225 0.0201 0.0249
49hrs + 0.0780 0.0737 0.0823
None 0.1330 0.1275 0.1385
Neonatal postnatal check <2hrs 0.2926 0.2853 0.2999
3–12 hrs 0.0953 0.0905 0.1000
13-24hrs 0.0747 0.0705 0.0790
25-48hrs 0.0184 0.0163 0.0206
49hrs + 0.1653 0.1593 0.1713
None 0.3537 0.3460 0.3614
Postpartum Vitamin A within 2 months of delivery DHS 0.4624 0.4544 0.4704