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. 2016 Jun 30;11(6):e0157966. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157966

Table 2. Mantel test statistics for correlations between Bray-Curtis distances of bacterial communities and environmental parameters for chlorine and chloramine-treated samples.

P-values are reported using Municipality as a nested variable. Significant P-values (<0.05) are in bold.

Chlorine (n = 56) Chloramine (n = 9)
r P-value r P-value
Al 0.254 0.603 0.281 0.157
As -0.033 0.73 0.44 0.013
Ba 0.173 0.806 0.2 0.585
Ca 0.117 0.586 0.378 0.042
Cd -0.0349 0.73 0.319 0.142
cellCounts 0.2007 0.061 -0.011 0.704
Cr -0.009 1 -0.298 0.981
Cu -0.027 0.49 0.365 0.125
DO% 0.088 0.456 0.085 0.588
Fe 0.145 0.036 -0.164 0.888
Fl 0.156 0.421 0.203 0.591
freeCl 0.2791 0.001 0.246 0.146
K 0.147 0.532 0.374 0.006
Mg 0.13 0.298 0.361 0.224
Mn 0.14 0.098 0.102 0.387
Na 0.012 0.153 0.37 0.096
NO3 0.142 0.047 0.18 0.282
pH 0.184 0.094 -0.089 0.592
PO4 0.082 0.252 0.159 0.5
redoxPotential 0.153 0.012 -0.25 0.849
salinity 0.074 0.034 0.372 0.229
Sb 0.054 0.348 0.149 0.256
Se -0.023 0.069 0.263 0.123
SO4 0.183 0.28 0.358 0.216
combinedCl 0.2403 0.001 0.102 0.333
waterTemp 0.045 0.116 -0.066 0.797
Zn -0.059 0.665 0.334 0.097