(A) A false-colored SEM image of four pixels of the hologram. Each pixel consists of two parts: in purple, those that impart the required phase map for letter “L” and in green, those for the phase map for letter “R.” Nanofins have a width (W) of 85 nm, a length (L) of 350 nm, a height (H) of 1000 nm, and a center-to-center distance of 500 nm. Scale bar, 1 μm. (B) Tilted view: SEM image of the hologram. Scale bar, 1 μm. (C to E) Images in the +1 diffraction order (false-colored) generated by the chiral hologram under different incident polarizations at λ = 1350 nm. Chiral hologram illuminated by (C) circularly right-polarized light, (D) circularly left-polarized light, and (E) linearly polarized light resulting in the appearance of the letters “R,” “L,” and “RL,” respectively.